Learning HTML for Kids!
It’s time to review what we have learned so far.
Tags and Elements
Angled brackets <…> are tags. The letters or words between the angle brackets are called elements.
There are two kinds of tags:
container tags come in sets with a beginning and an end
empty tags stand alone
Primary Tags
All HTML documents should have the primary tags:
<html>…</html> Website must begin and end with this tag.
<head>…</head> This is where you put general info, including the title.
<title>…</title> Make your title descriptive, but not too long.
<body>…</body> The main content of your page goes here.
Headlines come in six sizes:
<h1> being the largest and <h6> being the smallest.
Spaces between paragraphs.
To create space between paragraphs use the container paragraph tag:
To create a line break use the empty break tag:
Horizontal Rule
To make a line use the empty horizontal rule tag:
Lists are usually numbered or bulleted. HTML lists are nested.
<ol>…</ol> Ordered list tag
<ul>…</ul> Unordered list tag
<li>…</li> Listed items tag
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Learning HTML for Kids
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