Learning HTML for Kids!

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Chapter Two

Basic Concepts

The good news is that HTML is written in plain text. That means you don’t need any fancy software programs to write your code. All you need is a simple text-editor that’s already on your computer. On PCs, it is Notepad and on MACs, it is TextEdit.

Some rules

As with most things in life, there are rules. In HTML, the rules are fairly simple. First I will give you a new list of words, and then I will show you how to use them.


HTML has what is called tags. They are  angled brackets <… >. You’ll find these brackets on your keyboard just above the comma and period. Inside these tags are words or letters that tell the computer what to do. For example <hr> tells the browser to display a horizontal line. These words or letters are called elements.

Container and empty tags

There are two kinds of tags: container and empty.The container tag always wraps around text or graphics and comes in a set with an opening and a closing.

<html> opening tag

</html> closing tag

Notice the forward slash (/) on the closing tag. This tells the browser that the tag has ended.

On the other hand, the empty tag stands alone. The tag <br> is one that adds a line break. Empty tags do not have to be wrapped around text and do not require a closing.

Case sensitive

HTML is also not case sensitive. That means, you can use either lowercase or uppercase. <HTML> is the same as <html>. For consistency, use either one or the other. It's best not to mix and match. For our purposes, I have written our code in lowercase.

Go to Chapter 3: HTML Structure

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Learning HTML for Kids
© 1999-2015 by Jill Jeffers Goodell 

Table of Contents 

Basic Concepts

Some rules


Container/empty tags

Case sensitive

HTML structure
